What's Up Wednesday- May 28th

Bootcamp Finale & Spartacus Lives!

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what's up.  Should you wish to join, check out Jaime's or Erin's lovely blogs and sign up with the link widget at the bottom of the post.

I finished ANYWHERE by the amazing Jen Meyers. It was a very fun read, laugh out loud funny at times and made me want to go backpacking through Europe again rather badly. (Um..yes please.) I'm going to be interviewing her on the YA Buccaneers blog in the near future, so stay turned for that. 

I'm also reading a great new project by one of my CP's of Awesome. It's always so fun to get to read new stuff from my writer friends and then watch it evolve. 


Wrapping up Spring Writing Bootcamp this week! I can't believe how fast those three months went. But I'm happy to report that I made all my Bootcamp goals. (Yay!) It was the kick in the butt I needed to make some real progress on several projects. And seriously, Bootcamp was soooo much fun! I had the most fantastic team (Go Team Vesuvius!!) and it was a blast cheering each other on, having writing parties and basically getting up to all the crazy stuff that the YA Buccaneers do so well. Rumor has it there might be another one in the Fall...so get limber folks. *mighty grin*


We had the worst scare with Spartacus (aka Best Cat in the World) this past week. He went from a little nauseous to not being able to stand up and his kidneys failing in the space of about 24 hours. It was soooo scary. If you asked me who I loved most in the world, my answer would be Spartacus. (Boy Chris understands because he feels the same way.) So we were beside ourselves with worry and lack of sleep and when he pulled through we were jumping up and down and making silly noises of glee. It's so good to have our boy back at home where he belongs. And now every time he comes for a cuddle I'm like "Thank you for being alive!" and he's all "meow". 
All is right with the world.

What else have I been up to:

  • Making Epic Costumes- because it's important for every girl to have 4 foot wide antlers
  • Prepping for the Query Trenches (have kevlar bodysuit) (still need to figure our what my Query Prize will be)
  • Playing in the garden. My sunflowers are blooming. We're eating fresh strawberries, plums and bocoodles of kale. I want to hire some warrior langurs to protect my baby mangoes from the Racoon Mafia, because I would really like to eat one this year.
  • Making the most of my Hammock. (a.k.a. My Office)
  • Drinking mango colada smoothies like they're going out of style


  1. I'm so glad your cat pulled through. Poor thing...Good luck with your mangoes, and have a great week!

    1. Thanks! We're all kinds of relieved over here. Hope you have an amazing week too!

  2. I'm glad your cat's okay! :) Have fun with those antlers!

  3. Thanks! And hah! I was wondering who would be the first person to pick up on the antler thing. (Thanks to my Etsy shop, my house is like Halloween 24/7) :)

  4. Oh, I want to be on that hammock and enjoy mango smoothies, I hope you keep enjoy it!

  5. I adore that hammock photo!

    So scary hearing about your Spartacus. Poor little guy! I'm not a cat person at all, but ours has totally grown on me, so I can imagine what an ordeal you guys went through. I'm so happy he's doing better.
    Congrats on meeting all of your Bootcamp goals, Kris!

  6. I'm so glad your Spartacus is okay! And that you accomplished so much with YAB! Yay!

    Good luck gearing up for those query trenches and have a great week!

  7. So happy Spartacus is on his way back to good health! <3

    Also, I had my first ever hammock experience (can you believe that?) recently and fell in LOVE with it. So comfy! Wish I had one in my yard...jealous! :)

    Have a great week!

  8. I'm so glad to hear that Spartacus is okay!

    That hammock photo looks so peaceful. Enjoy!

  9. So, I gotta know what costume requires 4 foot wide antlers... I have a feeling it's not the obvious.
    Glad to hear your cat is okay. That must have been scary.

  10. So glad to hear your cat is okay, yay! ^_^

    Congratulations on hitting all your boot camp goals. That's fantastic.

    Have a great week!

  11. So happy to hear that Spartacus is okay! I was so worried for the little guy even though I haven't met him. My cats are pretty important to me too, so I can imagine how scary that must have been for you. Sending squishes and belly rubs Spartacus' way! :-)

    Awesome that Writing Bootcamp went so well for you. I totally need that kick in the pants this summer again, which is why I'm co-hosting RSW again. I think I just naturally feel more productive in the summer, particularly on the writing front. Good for you for meeting all of your Bootcamp goals!

    Hope you have a wonderful week all around, Kris! :D

  12. Hi, Kris. I'm sorry to hear your cat was so ill, but that's great news he's doing much better!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  13. So glad Spartacus is OK, poor thing! Congrats on meeting your Bootcamp goals! I love these writing challenges. ^^

    Have a great week!

  14. Spartacus!!! So glad he is okay! I told my furry boys last week to send good thoughts to him and they were all, "Meow?" because no one has invented that darn app yet that converts cat speak into human speak.

    Mmm...plums and kale! If I lived closer, you would find me standing in your yard like a weirdo, munching on your fruits and veges :)

  15. I can see why you love Spartacus the most in the world, because he's adorable! I'm so happy he's healthy again and at home safe and sound. Our pets are like members of our family too, and losing one of our cats to cancer last fall was tough on all of us, so I fully understand how worried you must have been. I also feel that Spartacus's response was quite profound, poetic really. :)

    I saw the pic of your "office" on Twitter and was in awe of it. What a gorgeous spot to write (and relax)! We could put a hammock in our yard, but the neighbors have been out there with table saws lately, so not a great idea for writing.

    Congrats on meeting your Bootcamp goals! That's awesome! Hope you can fend off the Raccoon Mafia and that your costume and gardening and writing projects all go well this week!

  16. Racoon Mafia?! Haha, best thing I've heard all day. And that green pic is making me crazy...it's so dry and hot in Vegas I want to scream!
