Fawn in Spots, Baby Steps and Dreams of Gods & Monsters

I downloaded DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS. But because I grounded myself for a few days from books (after my recent book binge), I have yet to crack the cover. You have no idea the level of self discipline this requires. But I know once I start, I will have to read the whole thing and I wont' get any work done. I may be a book junkie, but admitting I have a problem is the first step. ;)

I made baby-step progress this week. Got a few editorial tweaks in. Wrote some words. Brainstormed some more plot points for new book.
It's small, but I'll take it.
I almost hate to admit this, but I'm going to be so relieved when tourist season is over. I have loved being busy because all the income means I can relax later, but can it be later now please? I feel like an old man this morning. (yes, old man) Because my back hurts. Like, really hurts. I have put in 56 hours of kayaking in the last five days. Plus hours of driving and loading and unloading heavy boats. But even though I'm sore and I need a break, I remember when I first started this business, I couldn't lift a kayak on the top rack by myself without really struggling. Now I can. I'm stronger. And it shows. All the other kayak guys are just that...guys. I got snickers the first time I showed up at a popular kayak launch. I got "Can I help you lift that darlin'?" Now they ask me to identify species they don't know. And no one, No One asks me if I need help.
You know what makes you better at something? Doing it. I need to apply this philosophy to my writing more.
New life. This time of year there is new life all around. Tiny spotted fawns curled in the undergrowth. Little Osprey chicks begging to be fed. Little owlets taking their first steps out on the branch. And my greenhouse is now home to 46 baby monarch butterflies munching away. Love is in the air. Everywhere. And the result of all those wild shenanigans is Brand New Life.
We know enough to never doubt you...and can you send some of those Monarchs our way? We only saw two last year (after helping a dozen caterpillars the year before!).
I love it that you guys are helping Monarchs! You have the coolest family ever. Can I be adopted please? Your kids really don't know how lucky they are. (Don't worry they'll figure it out later) ;)
DeleteWow, sounds like you've been working hard! Hope you get to relax soon.
ReplyDelete"You know what makes you better at something? Doing it. I need to apply this philosophy to my writing more." <--- YES! This is a great philpsophy!
Have a great week!
Hi Emma!
Delete"I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." ;)
Hope you have a great week too!
Awww...otters <3
ReplyDeleteIndeed. :)
DeleteAwww!! Those fawn look sooo cute! We see deer in the fields (and beside the roads) where we live, but never as close as that. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd it's true what you say: the more you do something, the better you get at it. I bet, over the past months, you've not only developed the strength to haul a kayak, but also learned what the best way is to haul it--i.e., technique. This, too, applies to writing. The more we do it, not only do we gain the confidence that we can write, but we also get used to what works and what doesn't.
Have a great week, Kris. May a time of R&R come soon. :)
As always, you're so right. Sometimes I worry that my writing just isn't up to scratch. What I need to be thinking is that every sentence is just practice and the more I write, the closer I will get to the real thing.
DeleteI love that you're such a kayaking badass. :-) I have GODS & MONSTERS too, but I've yet to start it. It's HUGE and a little intimidating. But I love Laini Taylor's writing so much. Can't wait to finally settle down and read it. Have a great week, Kris!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for calling me a kayaking badass. That just made my day.
DeleteAnd long books, they're just like a huge dessert that never ends. You just get to enjoy them that much longer. :)
It seems like a lot of people are reading Dreams of Gods and Monsters this week!
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the kayaking! I can just imagine showing up all the dudes who thought you would need help!
It seems like I've been up against things like that my whole life. Blonde girl walks into bar/automotive store/hardware store/astrophysics class, everyone else looks at her like she must be lost.
DeleteI feel like I should be wearing a t-shirt that says "...wait for it" :)
Butterflies in a greenhouse sounds wonderful! Impressed how strong you've gotten, not only in kayaking, but in keeping your fingers off such an amazing looking book ;)
ReplyDeleteThe keeping my paws off the book part was harder. :)
DeleteI probably sound like a broken record, but I love all of your nature photos! The monarch butterflies sound so pretty. I think we need a pic. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about the annoying kayak guys. You're a rock star kayaker and I hope you're able to get some rest soon.
Glad you like the photos! And as soon as I have some of the monarchs emerge, I'll definitely snap some pics.
DeleteAnd what is this thing you call "rest"? Hah! kidding. I'm actually getting a bit of rest today. Remind me NOT to start digging a swimming pool in my back yard under any circumstances. ;)
The fawn is so precious! Your pictures are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThanks! He's pretty adorable. Makes me want to go hiking out there, just to see if he's still in the same area. :)
Delete56 hours!?!?!?! *Whoa*!!! Yes, tourist season officially needs to end for you!
ReplyDeleteBaby steps are good steps :D
How cute is that otter! You always share such amazing photos, thank you.
Love the pics so much! I like otters too. ;-) I can't imagine 56 hours of kayaking even spread out over 5 days. Even spread out over a year! Hope you get a little down time soon. I think your baby steps are actually pretty decent steps. It's more than I really got done this week, so there you go. You're so right about applying the "more you do it, the better you get" philosophy to writing. I need to do that myself. Have a wonderful week all around, Kris!
ReplyDeleteI tend to write in waves, lots of mad typing and huge word counts followed by months of waiting for the next wave of inspiration to come. While I would be completely tired if I spent that much time kyaking, I know I'd be very recharged and creatively primed at the end of it. Hopefully, when tourest season finally ends, your writing season can officially begin.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week. And get some sleep too.
Haha, I love that you "grounded" yourself from books. Sometimes I have to do that too...Love your story about kayaking, even though you're stressed with tourist season. That's awesome that you've grown stronger, and shown those guys girl power ;) Love the wildlife pics, deer are my favorite. I absolutely love spring and the outdoors. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteCan I just emphasize how smart you are to download the ebook of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS? If I had known how enormous the final book was going to be, I'd have done that from the start. Seriously, it practically crushes me every time I pick it up to read.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the amount of time you put in kayaking! That's SO impressive, but I can see why your back is sore and why you're looking forward to the end of tourist season. Hang in there! I hope you get a nice long break really soon!
That otter picture just made my day! He's adorable! Have an awesome week, Kris, and keep on proving yourself to those annoyingly macho kayak guys! :D
I am reading GODS & MONSTERS right now. Oh. My. :) Love me some Akiva. But man that hardback is HUGE.
ReplyDeleteI know you want tourist season to come to an end - but I think it's wonderful how often you are out on the water, doing something you love, and getting paid to do it! Just think, you could be sitting back in some cubicle, under florescent lights. We don't want that now, do we? :)
And I love all the pictures. Love. One of these days I'm coming down to visit and I want to see all of the animals that I've seen here on your website. And I want to kayak. You'll just have to deal.